Welcome to Fresh AIR, AIJAC’s new blog
Jun 17, 2011

“Fresh AIR” is devoted to bringing you all the news, analysis, commentary and media criticism AIJAC has always supplied via the Australia/Israel Review (AIR) and the “Updates from AIJAC” email service in a much more up-to-the-minute and timely fashion. Our aim is to supply readers with the very freshest up-to-date reporting and interpretation as events happen – especially with respect to the Middle East, terrorism, racism, multiculturalism, and other public policy issues of special interest to the Australian Jewish community.
We invite readers to visit our new and much improved website on a regular basis to sample all the latest offerings written or selected by AIJAC’s exclusive stable of policy analysts. Or better yet, sign up for our RSS feed to receive the latest “Fresh AIR” entries as soon as they are posted.
Further, we plan to make Twitter and Facebook access available as well in the near future.
We believe you will find it not only a terrific resource, but just what the name says, a breath of “fresh air” – shaking up stale conventional wisdom, providing analysis unavailable elsewhere in the Australian media, and above all, supplying the background knowledge and context that you need to really understand the news of the day.
We hope you enjoy “Fresh AIR” as much as we enjoy bringing it to you. Let us know what you think about the blog, the much-improved website or anything else on editorial@aijac.org.au.