AIJAC UPDATE – The Principles and Principals of the Gilo Housing Project
Oct 5, 2011 | Tzvi Fleischer

Today’s Update looks at last week’s controversial approval for a proposed plan to build 1,100 homes within the boundaries of the Jewish suburb of Gilo in Jerusalem. Gilo lies just over the Green Line and is now home to 40,000 Israelis. As Commentary‘s Jonathan Tobin explains, Gilo is a symbol for many Israelis, having been a target for numerous terrorist sniper shootings during the Second Intifada and “was the laboratory where Palestinian terrorists sought to discover whether they could force Jews into abandoning their homes. They failed”.
This article from Ynetnews outlines the announcement and the details of the proposed plan.
A good primer on the actual proposed construction comes from blogger ElderofZiyon who includes maps and aerial footage of Gilo and where it is situated vis-a-vis Jerusalem and the Green Line. He demonstrates how no housing will be built on land owned by Palestinians nor does it encroach on the Palestinian village of Beit Jalla.
Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon criticised foreign intervention on the housing project arguing any spurious condemnation merely entrenches Palestinian rejection for a return to peace talks.
A Jerusalem Post editorial makes it clear that Israel has every right to build in an area that even the Palestinians concede will become part of Israel should a peace deal be reached, but suggests restraint might have been better at this time.
Jerusalem Post senior columnist Herb Keinon looks at the reasons why Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu allowed the project to proceed, noting that the US was fully aware of the proposal well before its announcement. He discusses the domestic and international considerations that Netanyahu had to weigh up. To read this article, CLICK HERE.
Pro-Israel Dutch advocacy group Missing Peace offers seven reasons why the Gilo housing project is a distraction and not worthy of international condemnation. To read this article, CLICK HERE.
Human Rights Watch founder Robert Bernstein, who has previously attacked the organisation for its obsessive anti-Israel bias, writes that long term Palestinian-Israeli peace will only arrive when there are protests demanding a cessation of “the endless and overwhelming words of hate and incitement to genocide effectively spread to Arabs and Palestinians” against Jews and Israel. To read this article, CLICK HERE.
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Tags: Anti-Zionism