UN referral of Israel to International Court of Justice ‘odious’, Australian ‘no’ vote commended

Jan 3, 2023 | AIJAC

The International Court of Justice in the Hague

“The UN General Assembly vote on December 30 to refer Israel’s ‘occupation, settlement and annexation of Palestinian territory’ to the International Court of Justice for an advisory opinion was as predictable as it was odious. It is an utterly contemptible example of the UN’s ridiculous bias and moral bankruptcy.

“Any anti-Israel campaign, no matter how far removed from reality or how damaging to the cause of genuine peace, still remains guaranteed a majority at the UN General Assembly. This resolution was potentially more damaging than most, pushing a negotiated two-state Israeli-Palestinian resolution even further away.

“The Australian government deserves to be commended for its principled ‘no’ vote – in line with our long-standing bipartisan stance in support of a genuine peace. AIJAC also notes some positive trends in UN voting with a majority of UN states refusing to provide support for this ugly, discriminatory and completely unhelpful new resolution –  which will both politicise international law and perpetuate the Palestinian leadership’s counterproductive stance of preferring demonisation of Israel in international forums to engaging in genuine negotiations.”

Dr. Colin Rubenstein
Executive Director
Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC)


View of the ICJ courtroom at The Hague (Image: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek)

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IDF spokesperson, reserve Lt. Col. Peter Lerner in conversation with AIJAC’s Joel Burnie

View of the ICJ courtroom at The Hague (Image: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek)

AIJAC deplores ICJ Advisory Opinion

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IDF spokesperson, reserve Lt. Col. Peter Lerner in conversation with AIJAC’s Joel Burnie

View of the ICJ courtroom at The Hague (Image: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Frank van Beek)

AIJAC deplores ICJ Advisory Opinion

Screenshot 2024 07 19 At 1.21.58 PM

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The “encampment” at the University of Sydney (Image: X/Twitter)

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UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese (Image: Shutterstock)

Israel’s hardest war is fighting the lies waged against it