ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan (centre) announces his request for arrest warrants against Israeli and Hamas leaders on May 20 (Screenshot)
Understanding the ICC’s arrest warrant requests   What...
Factsheet: The ICJ and ICC
International Court of Justice - South Africa genocide...
The Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands, the administrative building for international law, and the International Court of Justice (Image: Shutterstock)
South Africa’s ICJ “genocide” case against Israel “cynical and politicised act of lawfare”
South Africa’s contention in its International Court of...
Tunnel under Al-Shifa Hospital (image: screenshot)
Hamas is using hospitals to commit “acts harmful to the enemy”
Canberra Times – 25 November 2023  In 1982,...
Image: Shutterstock
War is not a war crime
Canberra Times - 3 November 2023   Words...
The International Court of Justice in the Hague
UN referral of Israel to International Court of Justice ‘odious’, Australian ‘no’ vote commended
"The UN General Assembly vote on December 30...
(Image: Shutterstock)
AIJAC calls new Amnesty report “dangerous”, “libellous” and “an intellectual crime against truth, and against genuine international law”
(AMENDED - FEB. 2, 2022)   The Australia/Israel...
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The View from Israel: COVID, Elections & the Biden Administration – Einat Wilf
Dr. Einat Wilf is a former Knesset Member...
Australian Government commended for ICC approach
The Australian Government has shown its commitment to...
The International Criminal Court in the Hague
AIJAC hails Australia’s stance on ICC and Israel
The Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) has expressed gratitude to...
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Ehud Ya’ari on Israeli settlements
With its decision to declare Israeli settlements in...