Statement on six former Australian Prime Ministers’ open letter on Israel and Hamas
October 30, 2023 | AIJAC staff

Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) Executive Director Dr Colin Rubenstein today welcomed the open letter by six former Australian Prime Ministers on Israel and Hamas – saying “Australia should be grateful for the leadership they have shown”.
“The public letter is a fine example of the role former leaders can play by using their respected positions to engage constructively. I hope other national leaders in like-minded countries follow suit,” Dr Rubenstein said.
“We thank the former Prime Ministers for their show of unity in calling for tolerance and mutual respect and condemning racial and religious hatred – the key to our nation’s continued multicultural success.
“We also appreciate the unequivocal condemnation of Hamas and of its barbaric acts of terrorism carried out on October 7.
“Furthermore, I acknowledge the former Prime Ministers’ heartfelt show of support for Jewish Australians and outright condemnation of antisemitism in all its guises. In these tough and uncertain times, a show of solidarity is greatly appreciated,” Dr Rubenstein concluded.