Australian Jewry’s unique experience discussed at American Jewish Committee Global Forum
Jun 14, 2013

Media Release
The unique experiences of Jews in Australia, the relationship between Australia and the USA and the global priorities in Australian diplomacy featured in a wide-ranging discussion with H.E. Kim Beazley, Australia’s Ambassador to the USA, at a session of the Global Forum of the American Jewish Committee in Washington earlier this month.
The discussion was moderated by Jeremy Jones, the Director of International and of Community Affairs of the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council, with participants from more than a dozen countries discussing issues with Mr Beazley, Mr Jones, Australasian Union of Jewish Students’ president Andrew Goldberg and former Australian community activist Arsen Ostrovsky.
“After the sessions, many participants complimented Australia on having such a high quality diplomatic representative and applauded this country’s pluralism and commitment to democratic principles” Mr Jones said.
At the conclusion of the session, Jeremy Jones presented Kim Beazley with a copy of the book “William Cooper: Gentle Warrior”, noting Mr Beazley’s Christian commitment, interest in Indigenous Australians and passion for social justice.
Jeremy Jones also presented a session on “Building Bridges: Best Practises in Muslim/Jewish Relations” to the AJC Access Summit, attended by young adults from more than 40 countries, which took place immediately before the AJC Global Forum.
Tags: Australasia