AIJAC welcomes new PM Morrison, thanks Turnbull and Bishop

Aug 24, 2018


Media Release


The Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) today extended its sincere congratulations to newly elected Prime Minister and Liberal party leader Scott Morrison and deputy leader Josh Frydenberg.

AIJAC also conveyed its deep gratitude and appreciation to Malcolm Turnbull and Julie Bishop for their record of productive achievements and principled service to our nation as prime minister and deputy party leader, respectively.

Mark Leibler, AIJAC’s National Chairman, said, “Malcolm Turnbull has served Australia with great distinction. It was an honour and privilege to work with him on a range of issues in the interests of Australia.

In particular, his support for Israel and Middle East reconciliation, and genuine  concern for the welfare of the Jewish community, has been deeply appreciated,” Leibler continued.

“Further, Julie Bishop has long distinguished herself as deputy leader, and we should all be very thankful for her tireless efforts in that important role,” he added.

“I have full confidence the new leadership team will continue to make an outstanding contribution nationally and globally.”

AIJAC Executive Director Dr Colin Rubenstein said, “Our relationships with Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg are warm, productive and longstanding and AIJAC feels confident that they will continue to provide principled and effective leadership for Australia.”

“Our political leaders have extensive responsibilities, particularly in these times of considerable national and international challenges. AIJAC wishes them every success in formulating and delivering policies which will bring the best possible outcomes, nationally and internationally, for the people of Australia,” Dr Rubenstein concluded.

For additional information, contact AIJAC on (03)-9681-6660.


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