Image: X/Twitter screenshot
Gaza protests not driven primarily by human rights concerns
The Algemeiner - 2 May 2024   There...
Large anti-Israel protest in Washington, DC, in October. No other issue turns out so many protestors so consistently and globally (image: Shutterstock/ Volodymyr Tverdokhlib)
Where is everybody when Israel isn’t involved?
Israel’s campaign to dismantle the Hamas regime in...
(image: Antoni Mantorski/Shutterstock)
Anti-Zionism is an abhorrent ideology, regardless of antisemitism
Algemeiner – 18 March 2024   The claim...
(image: Shutterstock/Syndi Pilar)
“Anti-Zionism” is illegitimate and immoral regardless of whether or not it is antisemitic
Ever since the multifarious Zionist movement arose in...
US jets taking off to conduct airstrikes against Houthi positions on Jan. 11 (image: Twitter/@OSINTtechnical)
Sanctions can no longer be the sole response to Tehran’s blatant provocations
The Australian – 20 January 2024   What...
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Are you a “Fascifist”?
“Pacifism,” wrote George Orwell in 1942, “is objectively...
AIJAC welcomes new Iran sanctions
The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) welcomes...
Iran Protests (52383779726)
Australia must do more about Iran
The Strategist – 25 August 2023 The government’s...
Australia’s ongoing near silence on Iran
On August 8, the UK and Canada imposed...
Alexey Milchakov, founder of the neo-Nazi Rusich unit that links Wagner and the Russian Imperial Movement
Barbaric Russian paramilitary organisations must be put on Australia’s terror list
The Australian – 12 June 2023   Shadow...
Screenshot of John Menadue's blog
Writer Susan Abulhawa’s Australian friends
Australian Jewish News – March 30, 2023   The...
Screenshot of John Menadue's blog
Why Russia apologists are often also the main pushers of anti-Israeli BDS
The major conflict that dominates our news headlines...