AIJAC’s response to Israel’s new anti-Boycott law
Jul 21, 2011 | Colin Rubenstein

In response to the passage of a controversial new anti-boycott law by the Israeli Knesset last week, AIJAC has issued the following statement:
AIJAC believes that anti-Israel boycotts represent a serious and significant political and diplomatic challenge to Israel as part of a larger campaign of delegitimisation, and that the Israeli government is fully justified in taking serious legal and political action to counter these threats wherever they originate. However, in AIJAC’s view, overall, the anti-boycott law passed last week appears ill advised, will have opposite effects to those intended and may provide opportunities for Israel’s detractors to further misrepresent the reality of its vibrant democracy.
Some additional opinions worth reading in the intense debate on this issue in Israel come from:
- Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin.
- Veteran Australian Jewish leader Isi Liebler.
- Law Professor Eugene Kontorovich.
- Canadian academic Gil Troy.
- Karni Eldad, a columnist associated with Israel’s settler movement.
- Israeli academic Jonathan Rynhold.
- Veteran Israeli Columnist Evelyn Gordon.
- American Jewish leader Morton Klein.
Tags: Israel