Message from the Hon. Scott Morrison

Apr 15, 2021

(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Office of the Prime Minister


I send my warmest greetings to all those who celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day.

Australians take great pride in our recognition of the State of Israel from its inception in 1949. We believe in the nation of Israel.

Our bond is steady and enduring – seemingly impervious to the ebbs and flows of time and tide.

In a world threatened by the creeping stain of extremism, nations that uphold the values of equality and tolerance draw closer together. Israel, governed by the rule of law and infused with a multicultural character, is a beacon of the democracy we prize so highly.

Throughout the sorrow and struggle of the COVID-19 pandemic, our relationship has been a source of strength. During the course of the pandemic, I have been encouraged and inspired by valuable discussions with Israeli leaders, sharing lessons and looking ahead.

Israel has a place in my heart. It is a land of faiths and cultures nurtured for millennia. It deserves a peaceful and prosperous future.

The Jewish people of Australia have given so much to our nation, individually and as a community. Thank you for your commitment and contribution to our free, open and cohesive multicultural society.

Today, we honour Israel’s history and celebrate all that it is, and hopes to be.

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The infamous rally outside the Sydney Opera House last October (Screenshot)

Australian multiculturalism was never a licence for ‘anything goes’

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“I do fear that… this government’s realignment will continue to be against Israel”: Joel Burnie on Sky News

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“This rabid crowd [of protestors]…have taken it upon themselves to disrupt all life in all places”: Joel Burnie on Sky News

At rallies across the world, it’s not unusual to see the former Iranian flag being waved proudly alongside Israeli flags (Image: X/ Twitter)

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IDF spokesperson, reserve Lt. Col. Peter Lerner in conversation with AIJAC’s Joel Burnie