AIJAC welcomes efforts to make immigration policy
Nov 10, 2006

Media Release
The Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) today welcomed the pledge by Prime Minister John Howard to work with Liberal backbenchers to find ways to administer immigration policy “in a speedier, more flexible, more humane way.” (ABC-TV ‘Lateline”, May 31).
“While there is bipartisan support for Australia to determine who is and who is not eligible for residence in Australia, the challenge is always to find ways to administer the policy in ways that are flexible and humane, as the Prime Minister has urged,” AIJAC Executive Director, Dr Colin Rubenstein, said today.
“Constructive dialogue about ways to minimise unintended harm resulting from broad policy goals is always positive.” He added, “That is why the dialogue the Prime Minister has promised with Liberal backbencher Petro Georgiou and others who have urged adjustments to the current policy is very welcome.”
“The planned discussions should be afforded every opportunity to succeed in exploring ways to create a more effective and humane policy toward immigration,” Dr Rubenstein concluded.
For further information please contact Dr Colin Rubenstein on (03) 9681 6660 or 0418 339 721.
Tags: Australasia