AIJAC expresses horror at the murderous terrorism in Sri Lanka

Apr 23, 2019 | AIJAC

Terror Attacks Sri Lanka2

Media Statement


“No words are sufficient to convey our horror at the murderous terrorism in Sri Lanka, in which hundreds of innocent children, men and women in prayer were among those who had their lives taken in almost unparalleled acts of barbarism.

“The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) sends our condolences to the families of the Christians murdered while at prayer on the Holy Day of Easter Sunday and to the other victims of the multiple bombing attacks.

“We hope that the unimaginable suffering of the Sri Lankan Christian community, with so many having had their lives stolen from them and many more suffering physical injuries and immense psychological pain, is eased to some degree by the knowledge that they are in the thoughts and hearts of so many others all around the world.

“This attack on the people of Sri Lanka, and Christians in prayer was an attack on humanity and a shocking manifestation of immense evil.

“We stand in solidarity with Sri Lanka, with Christians and with all victims and targets of terrorism.”

Mark Leibler AC
National Chairman
Paul Rubenstein
NSW Chairman
Dr. Colin Rubenstein AM
Executive Director
Jeremy Jones AM
Director of International and Community Affairs
Further information/comment: Jeremy Jones AM, Director of International and of Community Affairs on 0411-536-426.

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