AIJAC condemns Islamist terror attacks in France

Oct 30, 2020 | AIJAC staff

The site of the Nice stabbing.
Photo: Martino C
The site of the Nice stabbing. Photo: Martino C

The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council has condemned the recent terror attacks in France, including the murder of three people in Nice yesterday and the beheading of teacher Samuel Paty last week, and expressed solidarity with the people of France.

AIJAC also expressed concern about the incitement against France by leaders in some Muslim-majority countries, including Turkey, Pakistan and Malaysia.

AIJAC Executive Director Dr Colin Rubenstein said, “The horrific attacks in France by individuals clearly influenced by radical Islamist ideology demand we all stand with France. Yet some political leaders appear to be implicitly fanning the flames of violence against France for their own political purposes, including Turkish President Recep Tayep Erdogan, Pakistani President Imran Khan, and former Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohamad.”

“These claims accusing France of anti-Muslim bigotry are both irresponsible and unfair,” Dr Rubenstein added. “Particularly indefensible are the ugly comments from Erdogan comparing the situation of French Muslims to the Shoah.”

“AIJAC sends our deepest condolences to the families of the victims, and calls on all global political leaders, of whatever persuasion, to refrain from doing anything that might incite or inspire additional terrorist violence, “ Dr. Rubenstein concluded.


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IDF spokesperson, reserve Lt. Col. Peter Lerner in conversation with AIJAC’s Joel Burnie