AIJAC’s submission to the Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security regarding extremist movements and radicalism in Australia
The purpose of this submission to the Inquiry...
When will Europe grow a spine on Iranian terrorism?
For the first time since Iran’s Islamic Revolution...
Was Iran a winner or a loser in the Armenia-Azerbaijan war?
The war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the latter...
Behind the News – November 2020
Rocket and Terror On Oct. 20, the...
Israel’s changing security environment – Maj. Gen. (ret.) Yaakov Amidror
Former IDF General and National Security Advisor Yaakov...
The Changing Middle East
Update from AIJAC 10/20 #02 This Update features...
Netanyahu exposes Hezbollah missile sites in Beirut
Update from AIJAC 10/20 #01 This Update...
Russia’s quest to make itself indispensable in the Middle East
Originally published in The Strategist (ASPI) – 16...
Is your charitable donation supporting terrorism?
When we hear the term ‘terrorist financing’,...
Lebanon’s Curse
It is almost as if Lebanon is...
Mapping Hezbollah’s worldwide activities – Matthew Levitt
Counter-terrorism expert Dr Matthew Levitt addressed an AIJAC...
Anti-Israel conspiracy theorists try to link Israel with Beirut port blast
The Australian branch of the pan-Islamic fundamentalist...