Gaza polio clinic blast coverage a classic case of ABC bias

The welfare of children in a war zone is a sensitive and emotionally loaded subject, which is why the care journalists must use to report accurately and responsibly on stories that involve them is that much greater. Yet the ABC failed to meet the appropriate standards as outlined in its charter regarding a story revolving around this topic last weekend

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Understanding the “Ring of Fire”

On October 26, Israel carried out its long-expected reprisal for Iran’s October 1 launch of some 200 ballistic missiles against Israel – the largest single ballistic missile attack by one nation against another in history. Israel’s response involved three waves of Israeli jets reportedly first hitting air defence facilities, and then drone and ballistic missile manufacturing and launch sites.

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Report: Approvals for West Bank settlement expansion ‘stuck’

Over the past year, AIJAC research has shown that new construction in Israel’s West Bank settlements languishes at a historic low point, despite the fact that the Israeli government had been announcing the advancement of plans for thousands of new housing units. Recently, evidence has come to light that show those approvals have still not…

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The Australian Government refuses to see UNRWA’s terrorism

What these Foreign Ministers have failed to understand is that UNRWA is not really an international aid agency, but an internationally-funded Palestinian entity (99% of UNRWA staff are Palestinian) complicit in terrorism, which masquerades as an international aid organisation, and an ineffectual one at that. The evidence is damning.

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A world of two realities

It has become increasingly clear the world views this conflict through two vastly different lenses. In one view is a reality in which Israel is fighting for its survival against relentless threats, by antagonists who openly say they will never agree to any coexistence with the Jewish state. But there is an alternate perception in which Israel is cast as the aggressor.

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AIJAC statement on passage of Israeli legislation to ban UNRWA

The Israeli decision to ban UNRWA was an inevitable consequence of the international community’s failure to respond to decades of warnings, backed with overwhelming evidence, that this UN agency was facilitating and inciting terrorism, and had also become a significant barrier to any hopes of an Israeli-Palestinian two-state peace.

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Ring of Fire must be doused

For Israel, the immediate task now is to free the 101 hostages who are still held captive, somewhere, in Gaza. There is a strong belief that with Sinwar out of the picture, freeing the hostages will be easier to achieve. But answering the question of whether Sinwar’s death will hasten the war’s conclusion is complicated.

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