Why ALP’s call to recognise Palestine is based on ignorance

The only way to achieve peace is that endorsed by the international community and accepted by Israel, but so far rejected by the Palestinian leadership – good faith negotiation between the two sides, involving compromise by both, to settle all outstanding matters, such as borders and Israel’s security concerns. Recognising a Palestinian state before that happens – and rewarding the current Palestinian refusal to even negotiate – would only make such peace harder to achieve.

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The World Health Organisation’s Incurable Disease

Like all instruments of the United Nations, the WHO has become deeply flawed and politicised, as demonstrated by its 76th annual World Health Assembly meeting that recently concluded in Geneva. Of the 25 items on the meeting agenda, only one country was continually singled out. It doesn’t take a doctorate in infectious diseases and immunology to guess which: Israel.

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Latest IAEA reports demonstrate why a new deal with Iran is pointless

The June 2023 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reports on Iran (analysed by the US-based Institute for Science and International Security, ISIS) show yet again that Teheran has perfected its techniques for uranium enrichment and stocks enough fissile material to independently break out towards an atomic bomb within days – if and when the Iranian…

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Israel’s U20 World Cup success shows need to fight sports boycotts

There are few forces in life that can unite people, generate hope and inspire future generations, the way sport does. It should be a unifying force, promoting fair competition and mutual respect among athletes and nations. Discrimination against Israeli athletes contradicts the spirit of sportsmanship and the principles of fair play. Moreover, ultimately, it will always be the fans and athletes who suffer when political considerations and discrimination undermine the integrity of sporting events.

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AIJAC applauds Federal Government’s new Nazi symbols bill

Colin Rubenstein concluded, “We are grateful to the Federal Government in general and Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus in particular for their efforts to develop and advance this bill so quickly. We also thank the Opposition for their efforts to help promote a Federal bill to ban Nazi symbols. We hope and expect that the current proposed bill can receive bipartisan support, and become law as soon as practicable.”

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Iran’s multifront war against Israel is decades old

Although the IRGC may be a single integrated network across the Middle East and has increased its numbers as well as its territorial control and lethality, it has yet to demonstrate it is capable of anything more than symbolic local retaliation against Israeli strikes and assassinations, much less coordinating a true multifront war. 

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