Channel 7 reporter Matt Shirvington was the first mainstream media figure to falsely claim the Bondi attacker was Jewish student Ben Cohen
Online antisemitic conspiracy theories apparently led to Channel Seven’s mistakes about Bondi attacker
It goes without saying that the Bondi mass...
Scribblings: Hamas’ statistics regarding “women and children”
As the AIR has previously noted, all casualty...
Conspiracy theory outlets like the US-based Infowars – here hosting Kanye West – have helped fuel an explosion of anti-Jewish comments on social media (YouTube screenshot)
“Jews are News” on Twitter – why?
Despite being just 0.2% of the world’s population,...
NSW Parl
AIJAC responds to NSW Parliamentary report on the public display of Nazi symbols
AIJAC thanks the NSW Parliament’s Standing Committee on...
Time to stop tolerating the harassment, bullying and violence which taints so much of social media (Credit: Shutterstock)
The Last Word: Think Good
Tell me, what has happened to us?  How...
Emily Schrader documenting her ordeal at the hands of trolls in a YouTube video (YouTube screenshot)
The price of being a Zionist woman on Twitter
In May, while 4,500 rockets from Gaza were...
(Source: Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center)
Asia Watch: Troll play
It’s a mark of our age that all...
Antisemitism in 2021 – Dave Rich
Dave Rich, Director of Policy at the Community...
(Shutterstock/Global News Art)
Iranian online Jew-hatred likely fed international wave of antisemitism
The recent conflict between Israel and terrorist factions...
Screenshot (456)
One Nation Senator fails to moderate antisemitic comments
During violent riots at the US Capitol, Australian...
Facebook Holocaust Denial Group3 Seen 4th Jan 2011
Facebook heeds Holocaust message
  After significant global campaigns led by the...
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Social Problems
  Facebook’s new antisemitism policies     Facebook,...