Alexey Milchakov, founder of the neo-Nazi Rusich unit that links Wagner and the Russian Imperial Movement
Barbaric Russian paramilitary organisations must be put on Australia’s terror list
The Australian – 12 June 2023   Shadow...
Image: Shutterstock
Testimony: Criminal Code Amendment (Prohibit Nazi Symbols) Bill 2023
AIJAC testimony to the Federal Senate on the Criminal...
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Submission to the Inquiry into the Criminal Code Amendment (Prohibition of Nazi Symbols) Bill 2023
The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) wholeheartedly...
Image: Shutterstock
AIJAC welcomes proposed Federal ban on Nazi symbols and salutes
Responding to news that Shadow Attorney-General Julian Leeser...
Alexey Milchakov, founder of the neo-Nazi Rusich unit that links Wagner and the Russian Imperial Movement
Russia is the Iran of White Supremacy
In November and December, several letter bombs were...
Victorian Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes (Photo: Facebook)
AIJAC welcomes Victorian swastika ban bill
The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council has welcomed the news...
Dmitry Utkin, alleged commander of Russia's Wagner proxy, with Nazi tattoos clearly visible
Russia sends its pet neo-Nazis to kill Zelensky – while claiming to want to “denazify” Ukraine
When Russian President Vladimir Putin declared his war...
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Banning the swastika – AIJAC’s Jeremy Jones on ABC Radio
AIJAC’s Jeremy Jones discussed the Victorian Government's ban...
Far-Right Extremism
This fact sheet is current as of March...
AIJAC statement on Nowra neo-Nazi arrest
The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) welcomes...