07 14 Hezbollah 01
AIJAC urges Australia to join Germany in banning Hezbollah
Media Release   The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs...
Dr Jonathan Schanzer to AIJAC Webinar: 2020 – the year of Iran’s Precision-Guided Missile
  In the second of its new Webinar...
Hezbollah Image
When is a ban not a ban?
This article first appeared in The Daily Telegraph...
Brig-Gen. Ran Kochav (centre) with Israeli PM Netanyahu and some of his equipment and soldiers
Essay: Victory begins with Defence
Inside the IDF’s air defence program   “Victory...
The Arab League: Trump plan was to be accepted, but key states got “cold feet”
Insights and Admonitions from Ehud Yaari
  Israel’s March 2 election, its third in...
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Push to list Hezbollah’s military wing as a terrorist group ‘doesn’t go far enough’
AIJAC Executive Director Dr Colin Rubenstein spoke to...
One Government, two power-bases: President Alberto Fernandez and Vice President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
AMIA and the new Argentinian government 
  Latin America, and particularly, Argentina, has not...
Hezbollah head Hassan Nasrallah: Positioning himself as a leader of Iran’s “Axis of Resistance”
Iran’s “Axis of Resistance” after Soleimani
  Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has increased his...
Soleimani’s death made it clear Iran can no longer hide behind its militias
After Soleimani
Ending Iran’s proxy deception   When the United...
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza (L) with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif (source: Orinoco Tribune)
Downplaying the Hezbollah presence in Latin America: A Fisking
On January 12, the Sydney Morning Herald reprinted...
Lebanon's new PM Hassan Diab reviews an honour guard at the government palace in Beirut earlier this week (photo credit: REUTERS)
Lebanon’s new Hezbollah-dominated government
Update from AIJAC 01/20 #03 This Update deals...
Hezbollah has created “red lines” which effectively control where UNIFIL patrols can go and what they can see
How Hezbollah neutralised UNIFIL
  In a report issued on Nov. 26,...