Australian Government should help Lebanese people, but not Hezbollah
The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) applauds...
Time lapse images from footage filmed at an office building in Beirut show the explosion on Tuesday. (Gaby Salem/ESN/AFP/Getty Images)
Lebanon after the Beirut explosion disaster
Update from AIJAC   08/20 #01 This Update...
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Mapping a terrorist empire: New Hezbollah resource again makes the case for Australia to ban the Lebanese group
For the first time, thanks to leading counter-terrorism...
Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah: Now happy to accept funding from the “Great Satan” (Credit: AL-MANAR TV / AFP)
Lebanon’s new ‘Great Satan’
  Dominated by the heavily-armed terrorist group Hezbollah...
Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro meets Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei in 2016
Iran Doubles Down in Venezuela
“We have seen an uptick in Iranian state-sponsored...
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US Syria sanctions put Hezbollah under pressure
  Washington’s imminent implementation of the Caesar Syria...
Iran’s attempt to upgrade Hezbollah’s vast missile arsenal with advanced guidance systems would elevate the threat to Israel to a new level
Missiles can win wars
Israel and the precision-guided missile threat   The...
Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi delivering his opening statement to the IAEA Board of Governors on 15 June 2020
Iranian nuclear timelines/ Hezbollah threatened by Lebanon meltdown
Update from AIJAC 06/20 #04 This Update contains...
Any bailout of the Lebanese Government must challenge Hezbollah’s effective control over it
Lebanon, Hezbollah, and the IMF
  Hezbollah is a terrorist organisation. In late...
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Sarit Zehavi: Northern Exposure – Israel’s Greatest Threat?
Lt. Col. (Res.) Sarit Zehavi served for 15...
Sheikh Hilaly (right) with Shiekh Sha’aban in Lebanon
A Sheikh’s Travels
  Sheikh Taj el-Din al-Hilaly, a senior Australian...
Palestinian activists in Gaza: “Illegal” contact with Israelis
Behind the News – May 2020
  Rockets and Terror Report Israel’s Shin Bet...