Dr Jamal Rifi: Humanitarian work ran afoul of anti-Israel campaigners
AIJAC calls on Australians to stand with Dr. Jamal Rifi
The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) today...
(Credit: Albin Lohr-Jones/ Wikimedia Commons)
AIJAC welcomes Foreign Minister Payne’s condemnation of Iran and Hezbollah
The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) welcomes...
Beirut in ruins after last year's massive blast caused by explosives stored at a Hezbollah-controlled warehouse at Beirut port - an apt metaphor for the state of Lebanon as a nation (Photo: Hussein Kassir / Shutterstock.com)
Lebanon’s Plight/ Continued Iranian unrest
Update from AIJAC 07/21 #05   This Update...
Behind the News – August 2021
Rocket and Terror Report Two rockets were fired...
Lebanon today: A failed and collapsing state (Credit: Karim Naamani/ Shutterstock)
The Slow Death of Lebanon
Lebanon is currently in the grip of the...
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Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah: The growing drone and rocket threats to Israel – Dr Seth Frantzman
Seth Frantzman, Jerusalem Post senior correspondent, author and...
Lebanon in Crisis: Demonstrators in Beirut demand a transitional government be formed to tackle the economic and political meltdown (Photo: Dario Sabaghi / Shutterstock.com)
Lebanon’s crisis, Hezbollah and Iran
Update from AIJAC   07/21 #02   This...
Fact Sheet: Hezbollah and Australia
This fact sheet is current as of July...
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German experience can inform Australia’s next move on Hezbollah
In the year following the German Government’s decision to...
(Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Scribblings: A victory for common sense
There are many reasons to be cynical about...
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Parliamentary Committee recommends Australia expand listing of Hezbollah
The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) extends...
(Credit: Abed Rahim Khatib/ Shutterstock)
Reframing Gaza: Iran’s multi-front war against Israel
Another round of fighting between Israel and the...