West ignores the Sudan war at its peril

Giving the anti-Western axis virtual control of the Red Sea would be a strategic catastrophe and could soon make the already difficult mission of securing international trade against IRGC piracy and missile and drone attacks all but impossible. A Russian naval base in Sudan, which will likely be the result of the current war in Sudan without Western intervention, will allow the IRGC to rearm Hamas and PIJ with impunity. The United States and its allies therefore have a strong interest in finding ways to prevent that outcome.

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UNRWA and the Miseducation of the Palestinian people

Imagine the potential damage that could ensue from a curriculum based on hatred, division and the literal elimination of “enemies”… where the maps being used are carefully crafted to erase and delegitimise an entire nation of people. Sadly, we don’t need to imagine this – there is ample evidence that this very process is happening in the schools run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza and the West Bank.

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Fact Sheet: South Africa, Hamas, and the ICJ “genocide” case against Israel

This fact sheet brings together information about South Africa and the African National Congress (ANC) which suggests that South Africa today is no longer the country of Nelson Mandela, and the ICJ case against Israel has very little to do with kinship for the “oppressed”, and more to do with Pretoria’s increasing alignment with radical actors, including Hamas – as well as, possibly, cynical self-interest.

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After the atrocities of 7 October and amid the devastation in Gaza, remembering the Holocaust rightly is a moral obligation

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” These words of the philosopher George Santayana have been on my mind as we approach International Holocaust Remembrance Day this year. But I fear that those who distort the memory of the Shoah in light of the conflict in Gaza may be doing something even worse…

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