UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres visits an UNRWA camp in Jordan.
Photo: UN Photos
Australia halves UNRWA funding
The Australian Government has quietly halved its contribution...
Gaza and Israel
This fact sheet is current as at June...
Palestinian refugees need services, but UNRWA is promoting an ideology making a two-state peace impossible
Biblio File: A Return to Sanity
  The War of Return: How Western Indulgence...
The WHO’s annual general assembly in Geneva – which always passes a context-free resolution blaming Israel for Palestinian health problems
Australia was successful in using the WHO to...
Australia and Israel at the United Nations
This fact sheet is current as at April...
DFAT Secretary Frances Adamson at Senate Estimates hearings.
Australian Government notes UNRWA concerns, but continues funding
The Australia Government will not withhold funding to...
Former Foreign Minister Alexander Downer: Cabinet archives reveal concerns over support for Israel
Noted and Quoted – February 2020
  2020 begins on a Downer A surprising...
Is Australia’s “strategic partnership” with UNRWA the best use of our aid to the Palestinians? (Wissam Nassar/FLASH90)
Australia’s UNRWA Conundrum
  In 2020, Australia’s $80 million “strategic partnership”...
An Iranian headquarters in Damascus allegedly struck by Israel
Behind the News – December 2019
  Rocket and terror report A major, three-day...
Director general Pierre Krahenbuhl has stood aside during a UN investigation into corruption, bullying and mismanagement at UNRWA.
Decisions need to be made after UNRWA director’s departure
It is the perfect time for Australia to...
Riyad Mansour (centre), Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, meeting with Peter Mulrean (right), UNRWA director at the recent UN General Assembly meeting.
Australia at the table as UN discusses Palestinian funding
Australia was represented at a United Nations committee...
Inflation in Iran is at the highest level in decades
Behind the News – September 2019
  Rocket and terror report The informal ceasefire...