Israeli soldiers show UNIFIL commander Maj. Gen. Stefano Del Col (centre) a Hezbollah tunnel that penetrated Israeli territory from southern Lebanon on December 6, 2018.
UNIFIL and the Hezbollah tunnels
Update from AIJAC   Update 12/18 #02 This...
The US sponsored a resolution in the United Nations condemning Hamas' ongoing terrorism against Israel.
AIJAC commends Australian Government for UNGA vote condemning Hamas
On December 6, in the United Nations General...
Ga Flat
AIJAC welcomes Australia’s UN votes
Media Release   The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs...
Omar Shakir of Human Rights Watch
Scribblings: By their tweets you shall know them
There is evidence that the traditional human rights...
Aid to critical Palestinian social infrastructure needs to bypass politicised organs
Aiding Palestinians after UNRWA
Dramatic shifts are rare in American foreign policy....
A recipient of UNRWA funding.
Others should also defund UN relief agency
An edited version of this article appeared in...
US President Trump met with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in New York.
Trump clarifies – he is backing a two-state solution
US President Donald Trump has just expressed in...
UNRWA’s refugee definition includes all descendants since 1948 and those living in the Palestinian territories
Scribblings: Don’t buy UNRWA’s refugee definition spin
The UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the...
UNRWA food aid: Only a very small part of UNRWA’s budget
The consequences of the UNRWA funding cutoff
On August 31, the US State Department indicated...
A Refugee Revolution?
“Our future depends not on what the gentiles...
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Editorial: Refugees Forever?
The Trump Administration’s recent decisions to stop funding...
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Trump Administration withdraws funding from UNRWA
Update from AIJAC Update 09/18 #01 As readers...