UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet released the "blacklist" of businesses operating in the West Bank.
Australia urged to condemn biased “blacklist”
  Following publication by the United Nations Human...
The International Criminal Court in the Hague
AIJAC hails Australia’s stance on ICC and Israel
The Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) has expressed gratitude to...
Is Australia’s “strategic partnership” with UNRWA the best use of our aid to the Palestinians? (Wissam Nassar/FLASH90)
Australia’s UNRWA Conundrum
  In 2020, Australia’s $80 million “strategic partnership”...
Hezbollah has created “red lines” which effectively control where UNIFIL patrols can go and what they can see
How Hezbollah neutralised UNIFIL
  In a report issued on Nov. 26,...
A car ramming in Ramallah
Behind the News – November 2019
  Rocket and Terror report  On Sept 25,...
Riyad Mansour (centre), Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, meeting with Peter Mulrean (right), UNRWA director at the recent UN General Assembly meeting.
Australia at the table as UN discusses Palestinian funding
Australia was represented at a United Nations committee...
Ahmed Shaheed: The UN’s Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief
UN gives Australia a to-do list to tackle antisemitism
The first ever United Nations report on antisemitism...
UNWRA: Facing allegations of corruption, sexual misconduct, nepotism, waste and poor management
Scribblings: The real waste and destructiveness of UNRWA
  As readers may be aware, an internal...
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Editorial: Courageous decisions
  The Australian Government’s announcement on August 21...
Good Money after Bad: Why is Australia continuing to pour money into the UN’s refugee efforts in Palestine?
Daily Telegraph, Aug. 23, 2019   The Netherlands,...
The sad passing of IAEA head Yukiyo Amano leaves major challenges for his successor.
Backgrounder: The IAEA’s Iran file and the quest for a new Director General
On Monday July 22, 2019 Japanese diplomat Yukiya Amano...
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UN claims on Palestinian women invert the truth
  Australian Jewish News - 8 August 2019...