Sderot, Israel. 7th Oct, 2023. Bodies of dead Israelis lie on the ground following the attacks of Hamas (Image: Ilia Yefimovich/dpa/Alamy Live News)
Israel’s Sept. 11, only worse
Update 10/23 #01   So much is being...
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Terror attacks in Israel have exposed deep rifts in Australia – Dr Colin Rubenstein on ABC 7.30
AIJAC executive director Dr Colin Rubenstein appeared on...
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Pro-Hamas protests ‘contemptible’ – Colin Rubenstein on ABC News 24
AIJAC executive director Dr Colin Rubenstein spoke to...
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“I ask myself, what are these people celebrating?” – Joel Burnie on SkyNews
AIJAC's executive manager Joel Burnie discussed the pro-Hamas...
Sderot, Israel. 7th Oct, 2023. Bodies of dead Israelis lie on the ground following the attacks of Hamas (Image: Ilia Yefimovich/dpa/Alamy Live News)
Horror too ghastly to comprehend
The Age - October 9, 2023   There...
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“Shameless brutality” of Hamas’ attack – Colin Rubenstein on Sky News
Sky News' Kieran Gilbert interviewed Dr Colin Rubenstein...
Image: Shutterstock
‘Israel’s 9/11’ and the troubling ‘victory’ of Hamas
Lens (Monash University) 9 October 2023   The...
A map of the hundreds of rocket attacks launched against Israel this morning.
AIJAC unequivocally condemns brutal Hamas attacks on Israel, expresses solidarity with the Israeli people
(While we would normally refrain from making any...
Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir (centre) visits the southern front on the Sinai peninsula during the Yom Kippur war, 1973 (Image: GPO/ Wikimedia Commons)
War again shocked us all
An edited version of this article appeared in...
Israeli tanks in the Sinai Desert, 1973 (Image: Public domain)
From 1973 to Israel’s next war
This October, Israel will mark 50 years since...
Clinton appreciated Netanyahu’s political skills, but the two were divided over some key policy issues, leading to a tense relationship (Image: Shutterstock)
Essay: Bibi’s seven presidents
Netanyahu’s history of managing US-Israel relations   Binyamin...
Destined to be an iconic landmark: The new National Library of Israel (Image: Herzog & De Meuron/ National Library of Israel/ Twitter)
Biblio File: Unique monument for the “People of the Book”
Israel’s stunning new national library   The Zionist...