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Hamas’ extreme agenda to wipe out Jews and Israel cannot be ignored – Colin Rubenstein on Sky News
AIJAC executive director Dr Colin Rubenstein discussed the...
Image: Twitter/X
Statement on six former Australian Prime Ministers’ open letter on Israel and Hamas
Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) Executive Director...
Image: Shutterstock
Statement on Australia’s abstention in UN vote on Israel-Gaza resolution
Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) Executive Director...
(source: IDF)
Distorting international law gives terrorist groups like Hamas impunity
The Mercury – 25 October 2023 As sure...
Israel's Iron Dome missile defence system intercepts rockets from Gaza (source: Shutterstock/Oren Ravid)
The Oct. 7 atrocities are already being forgotten
A version of this article was published in...
Unprincipled Western media outlets ‘amplify terrorism’ by parroting Hamas’ lies about the deadly Gaza hospital bombing – 24 October 2023 Over the past...
Image: Shutterstock
The War against Israel’s Right to Self-Defence
Daily Telegraph - 24 October 2023   It...
A vandalised synagogue in Lyon, France, with Arabic graffiti that reads “Victory to our brothers in Gaza and “Glorious Gaza” (Twitter/X)
Mass murder of Jews in Israel has sparked major upsurge of antisemitism internationally 
In the wake of the mass murder of...
Abrams On Radio
Will the war in the Middle East widen? – Elliott Abrams on ABC Radio National, 2GB
AIJAC visiting guest Elliott Abrams, a former senior...
Image: Twitter/X
Labor MPs ‘acting with prejudice’ over war crimes claims, says US adviser
The Weekend Australian - October 21 2023  ...
Image: Shutterstock
Hamas a harrowing threat to Jews and wider world
The Australian - 21 October 2023   The...
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Western media mistakes pour fuel on the Middle Eastern fire
This week, the Western media spectacularly damaged its...