Israel and its conflicts with the Arab world: A Brief Guide for the Perplexed
Israel and its conflicts with the Arab world: A Brief Guide for the Perplexed
Events in the Middle East continue to fill...
Editorial: The Roots of Consensus
Colin Rubenstein   Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu...
Did the current round of violence start because of the death of a 13-year-old boy on November 8?
Israel struggles to land the Leviathan
Or Avi-Guy   Five years ago a massive...
Understanding and "explaining" Palestinian terrorism/Israel's NGO problem
“Understanding” and “explaining” Palestinian terrorism/Israel’s NGO problem
Update from AIJAC February 12, 2016 Number 02/16...
Biblio File: Rabin's Revenge
Biblio File: Rabin’s Revenge
Killing a King: The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin...
Deconstruction Zone: Farewell…
Yehonathan Tommer My first interview for AIR lasted...
Judicial jujitsu awaits Israel's new A-G
Judicial jujitsu awaits Israel’s new A-G
Amotz Asa-El Politics and the law, wrote Israeli...
Religious Zionism and "price tag" terrorism
Religious Zionism and “price tag” terrorism
Andrew Friedman   In addition to ongoing Palestinian...
Essay: The Birth of the Terror Selfie
Essay: The Birth of the Terror Selfie
From Lebanon, 1994, to ISIS   Matti Friedman...
Israel gets no credit for settlement construction curbs
Israel gets no credit for settlement construction curbs
If a long-term freeze on approvals for new...
Mahmoud Abbas
Mahmoud Abbas, incitement, and Palestinian politics
Update from AIJAC January 29, 2016 Number 01/16...
Israeli government launches major program to boost investment in Israeli Arab sectors
Israeli government launches major program to boost investment in Israeli Arab sectors
You probably don't know about it if you...