Breaking through the silence on the plight of Middle Eastern Christians
Breaking through the silence on the plight of Middle Eastern Christians
Up to 100 million Christians are facing persecution...
Getting inside the head of Khaled Meshal
Getting inside the head of Khaled Meshal
December 7th was a big day for Khaled...
The Politics of Rage
The Politics of Rage
Walter Russell Mead Coming in the middle of...
The wider context of the violence sparked by an anti-Islamic film
The wider context of the violence sparked by an anti-Islamic film
Update from AIJAC Sept. 20, 2012 Number 09/12...
The State of the Syrian Civil War/ The Plight of Mideast Christians
The State of the Syrian Civil War/ The Plight of Mideast Christians
Update from AIJAC August 31, 2012 Number 08/12...
Hamas interview reveals no hint of moderation
Hamas interview reveals no hint of moderation
Give him credit for his candour. In an...
What's wrong with the 'Black Box' view of terrorism?
What’s wrong with the ‘Black Box’ view of terrorism?
Tzvi Fleischer and Sharyn Mittelman ABC Religion and...
On the danger of being a human rights activist in Gaza
On the danger of being a human rights activist in Gaza
It is lucky that freedom of speech is...
Islamism and the Arab Spring
Islamism and the Arab Spring
Update from AIJAC November 11, 2011 Number 11/11...
Will Libya be a Radical Islamist State?
Will Libya be a Radical Islamist State?
  Barry Rubin Will US President Barack Obama...
Islamist victory in Tunisia
Islamist victory in Tunisia, but still hope for Arab democracy
Here is something that I would not have...
9/11 Ten Years Later
9/11 Ten Years Later
Update from AIJAC September 9, 2011 Number 09/11...