Brutal attack upon Israel not possible without Iran backing
Canberra Times - 18 October 2023 Hamas...

Israel prepares ‘ground manoeuvres’ against Hamas – Ehud Yaari interview on ABC Radio National
ABC RN "Saturday Extra" - 14 October 2023...

How Israel’s internal divisions helped spark the bloody Hamas massacre
Sydney Morning Herald - 11 October 2023 ...

Hamas’ slaughter has Iran’s fingerprints – Ehud Yaari on ABC radio
On ABC Radio National “Drive” (9 October 2023),...

Deconstruction Zone: US outreach vs. Iranian aggression
The US Biden Administration has pursued a strategy...

Iran hostage deal has nuclear implications
It’s now official: The Biden Administration has concluded...

After over 7 months of silence, Government rejects nearly all Senate recommendations on Iran
After over seven months of seemingly ignoring the...