Image: Wikimedia Commons
Scribblings: Give War a Chance?
Lebanon is today an absolute basket case, with...
Reports say Israeli-Saudi links continue developing behind the scenes (Image: Shutterstock)
Behind the News – August 2022
Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro meets Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei in 2016
Iran riding the tide of Latin America’s “Pink Wave”
With the 28th anniversary of the bombing of...
Ali Khamenei And Vladimir Putin
Be wary of Iran, silent partner in the anti-West club
The Australian – 21 July 2022   Vladimir...
Hezbollah's arch terrorist Imad Mughniyeh, assassinated by Israel and US in 2008
Israel successfully neutralising Iran’s global terrorism apparatus
On July 18, 1994, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard...
Image: Gabriele Pedrini/Shutterstock
Does Hezbollah’s election setback matter?
When results from Lebanon’s May 15 parliamentary election...
Hezbollah does not hide its open affiliation with Iran - as these Hezbollah youth demonstrate - but the Middle Easterners are tired of the poverty, war and chaos that Iranian proxies bring to the countries they operate in. (Photo: nsf2019, Shutterstock)
Election setback for Hezbollah
Update from AIJAC   05/22 #03   In...
(Source: Facebook)
AIJAC expresses disgust at extreme anti-Israel and antisemitic motion passed by the Council of the University of Melbourne Student Union
The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council expressed its...
Image: Israel's Government Press Office
An unprecedented summit highlights a changing Middle East
An edited version of this article appeared in...
(Shutterstock/Global News Art)
Iranian cyberattacks on Israel are unsophisticated, but remain a constant and serious nuisance
Iran continues to demonstrate that, while it lags...
Houthi (left) and Hezbollah forces (Credits: Maad Ali/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News/Shutterstock)
How to stop Iran’s proxy terrorists
The United States sent F-22 fighter jets to...
Hezb Base
Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security on its review into the listing of Hizballah and The Base as terrorist organisations under the Criminal Code Act 1995
INTRODUCTION   This Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council...