Swastika 39031 1280
Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee inquiry into right wing extremist movements in Australia
Introduction and Terminology The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs...
A barrage of words charged with venomous lies targets Australian Jews daily (Image: Shutterstock)
The Last Word: Words – Holy and hateful
Words, words, words. Every day we are assailed...
Image: Twitter
Biblio File: What lurks beneath
Rise of the Extreme Right: The new global...
Image: Twitter
Understanding the security threat from violent extremists
Ever since the terrorist massacre of Muslims in...
Image: Shutterstock
The Last Word: Two Forums and a Public Hearing
How can interfaith dialogue respond to ideologically motivated...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his intelligence chief Hakan Fidan meet with Hamas leadership, including US Specially Designated Global Terrorist Saleh al-Arouri, in Turkey, August 2020 (credit: Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey)
Turkish conference underlines growing role of Ankara as key driver of global Islamist extremism
The Turkish government’s decision to co-sponsor an “academic conference” in...
Australian Federal Police arrest Ahmed Talib in Melbourne on March 25. 
Photo: Supplied/AFP
Mavi Marmara passenger arrested on terrorist charges
A Melbourne man arrested in March for alleged...