Noted and Quoted - April 2018
Noted and Quoted – April 2018
State of the State Department US President Donald...
Biblio file: The US and Asia’s China Syndrome
Biblio file: The US and Asia’s China Syndrome
The End of the Asian Century: War, Stagnation,...
Freedom in the World 2017: Israel a leader in a dismal and worsening Middle East region
Freedom in the World 2017: Israel a leader in a dismal and worsening Middle East region
The US-based Freedom House think-tank has released the...
Asia Watch: Bearing Fruit
Asia Watch: Bearing Fruit
Michael Shannon While the death of Shimon Peres...
An Israel-China alliance?
An Israel-China alliance?
Jonathan Schanzer   Israel's leaders are not particularly...
Explosion rocks Israeli satellite industry
Explosion rocks Israeli satellite industry
Israel's satellite industry is in crisis after a...
The Last Word: Family ties
The Last Word: Family ties
Jeremy Jones It was mid-afternoon, mid-Ramadan. Other than...
Ben-Gurion goes to Beijing
Ben-Gurion goes to Beijing
China's quest for Israeli innovation secrets   Surveying...
China's Quest for Jewish "Secrets"
China’s Quest for Jewish “Secrets”
James Ross   During my first trip to...
China goes to the Middle East
China goes to the Middle East
Michael Singh   Even as the Iran nuclear...
A Jerusalem-Beijing ‘Expressway'?
A Jerusalem-Beijing ‘Expressway’?
Yehonathan Tommer   Since Washington blocked some controversial...
Strange Bedfellows
Strange Bedfellows
China's quirky relationship with the Jews   Clarissa...