Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's mission "To set Israel on fire"
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s mission “To set Israel on fire”
The principle argument being made by opponents of...
AIJAC Statement: Federal Election date
AIJAC Executive Director Colin Rubenstein has issued the...
Editorial: After the Ballot, the Hard Part
Colin Rubenstein The ballots have been counted for...
Media Microscope: Hagelian Dialectics
Allon Lee US President Barack Obama's nomination of...
AIJAC comments on Carr/Hague AUKMIN 2013 Communique
On Friday January 18 at the close of...
Leader of Australian Islamist extremist group calls for world conquest through jihad
Leader of Australian Islamist extremist group calls for world conquest through jihad
Daniel Meyerowitz-Katz The notorious Islamist organisation Hizb-Ut Tahrir...
Media Microscope: Tooning Out
Allon Lee   As mentioned in last month's...
AIR New Zealand: NZ's Vote for Palestinian UN upgrade
AIR New Zealand: NZ’s Vote for Palestinian UN upgrade
Miriam Bell Questions have been raised by some...
John Howard comments on Israel
John Howard comments on Israel, the Middle East
The former Prime Minister spoke at a dinner...
The aftermath of the PA UN bid and the debate over Israeli building in settlements
Update from AIJAC Dec. 7, 2012 Number 12/12...
Carr’s hectoring won’t change Middle East
Letter - Sydney Morning Herald, 6 December 2012...
Australia’s Woodside Petroleum goes to Israel
Australia’s Woodside Petroleum goes to Israel
Australia's biggest oil and gas firm, Woodside Petroleum...