Media Microscope: Carr-nivale
Allon Lee On November 8, the Australian ran...
The Fictional basis of Carr’s Palestine pivot
The Fictional basis of Carr’s Palestine pivot
In a speech to the Australian Friends of...
Media Microscope: Settling for half-truths
Allon Lee Another month and another display of...
Statement: The death of Gough Whitlam
Statement: The death of Gough Whitlam
Gough Whitlam was a towering figure in Australian...
Some take-out from Julia Gillard’s “My Story”
Some take-out from Julia Gillard’s “My Story”
This week former Prime Minister Julia Gillard released...
AIR New Zealand: Peculiar election leads to stunning victory
AIR New Zealand: Peculiar election leads to stunning victory
Miriam Bell Impassioned speeches, heated debates, jovial neighbourhood...
Media Microscope: A media “seizure”
Allon Lee   A controversial announcement by Israel...
The Last Word: The Darville in the Detail
The Last Word: The Darville in the Detail
Jeremy Jones Twenty years ago, this writer, academics,...
Media Microscope: “F” for Fairfax
Allon Lee The perception that Fairfax's metropolitan newspapers...
Rally for Peace: Statements by Vic. Premier Denis Napthine and others
Rally speakers   • Senator the Hon. Scott...
AIJAC response to the Canberra Declaration on Gaza
AIJAC response to the Canberra Declaration on Gaza
71 current and five former members of Australian...
Victorian Opposition Leader speaks up for Israel
Victorian Opposition Leader speaks up for Israel
Victorian Labor Party leader and state opposition leader...