AIJAC statement regarding the Greens Middle East policy adopted on June 4

Referring to the Australian Greens party’s policy change regarding the Middle East adopted on Sunday, June 4, AIJAC National Chairman Mark Leibler said, “The enormous gap between reality and the Greens Party Middle East policies must raise questions about other Greens’ positions and will severely dent their credibility in the eyes of informed observers.” AIJAC…

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The UN Must Not Repeat Its ‘Nakba Day’ Farce

Abbas has called upon the UN General Assembly to make Nakba Day another permanent day to “commemorate the Palestinian plight.” For the UN, whose credibility is at an all-time low, Abbas’ vile speech hopefully caused enough embarrassment that the Nakba Day hate-fest won’t be repeated.

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Sporting Boycotts require strong action by roof bodies

Sport should serve to unify people, but the discrimination against Israeli athletes is completely contrary to both the spirit of sport, and almost universally, the rules of competition. Tragically the fans of the game and the players themselves are the ones who will always suffer the most, denied by the radicalism of officials and athletes determined to live in the prejudices of the past. The solution appears simple: strictly and consistently enforce the existing rules against such political boycotts across all sporting codes.

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AIJAC responses to Antony Loewenstein’s “Good Weekend” article, which the Age and Sydney Morning Herald refused to publish

Given that much of his article was dedicated to attacks not only Israel, but on the Australian Jewish community for both allegedly supporting Israel’s “apartheid and crimes against humanity”, and supposedly supressing the speech of those like Loewenstein who do not, AIJAC felt it was incumbent on someone representing the community explain mainstream Jewish views

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AIJAC proud to join Jewish organisations globally urging IHRA Antisemitism definition be part of UN Action Plan

AIJAC has joined with 178 other significant Jewish international and regional organisations in calling on the United Nations to ensure that the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism be “referenced positively” in its upcoming “UN Action Plan on monitoring antisemitism and enhancing a system-wide response.”

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AIJAC’s full comments to ABC Radio National “Breakfast” regarding the UN’s Nakba Day

On May 18, AIJAC was approached by producers from ABC Radio National’s “Breakfast” program, compered by Patricia Karvelas, with a request to provide our views on “Nakba Day” ceremony held at the UN the previous Monday for a segment being aired the next morning. AIJAC duly provided written answers to three questions put to us by the “Breakfast” producers. However, when the segment, which mostly consisted of an interview with US-based Palestinian analyst Ghaith al-Omari, was aired, only some brief phrases from AIJAC’s answers were included. For the sake of clarity and transparency, here are the ABC Radio National questions and AIJAC’s answers in full.

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Letter urging inclusion of IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism in UN Action Plan

We, the undersigned Jewish communities and organizations, civil society organizations, and scholars and practitioners from around the world, write to you regarding the “UN Action Plan on monitoring antisemitism and enhancing a system-wide response” that Under Secretary-General Moratinos is presently finalizing in his capacity as the UN’s senior focal point on antisemitism since 2020.

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