Holding on to hope in the eye of a hurricane

At the end of her song, Golan sings a few Hebrew sentences that make my heart sing: “You don’t need big words, just prayers. Even if it’s hard to see, you will always be for me a small singular ray of light”. In dark and dangerous times we need to reach out and grasp every bit of light we can find, and spread it wide and far.

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Antisemitic campus extremists don’t understand meaning of free speech

While individuals have the right to express and share their views with the world, this does not grant a license to promote hate, violence, or reject others simply because they hold different opinions. Accountability accompanies our words. Freedom of speech does not equate to permission for harassment, threats, property damage, or undermining the rights of others.

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Hamas Statistics: True or False? – a webinar

Grim statistics of Palestinian casualties in the current war in the Gaza Strip, produced by the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry in Gaza, have been repeatedly reported in the media. They are having a major impact on public opinion, political discourse and legal proceedings, such as South Africa’s claim against Israel in the International Court of Justice for genocide. But are these figures true?

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A new coalition against Iran

For years, Iran has been orchestrating a vast plan to encircle Israel militarily and attack it constantly – openly saying this is intended to destroy Israel by 2040. Teheran’s ability to hide behind the proxies it finances, trains, arms and largely controls, with impunity for this blatant aggression, should now end. 

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Aid delivery and distribution in Gaza: Logistical and security bottlenecks

COGAT, the UN and international aid agencies have long been trading accusations about who is responsible for aid shortages and bottlenecks. The answer is that no single party is to blame: aid distribution in any warzone, and particularly in Gaza, is incredibly dangerous and complex, and Israel has to balance military and security priorities with humanitarian aid needs.

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Antisemitism is the Same Old Story

The continuing inability of political and university leaders to show moral courage and emphatically call this violent hatred out has emboldened the demonstrators to such a degree that the protests continue to grow in strength and numbers, and the only people who seem to be “moved on” by police for their own “safety” are Jews

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