UNESCO half-heartedly condemns Syria
UNESCO half-heartedly condemns Syria, but leaves it on its Human Rights bodies
On March 8, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific...
Inside Free Syria
Inside Free Syria
Jonathan Spyer Idlib Province, Syria - The mountains...
The Syrian Civil War
The Syrian Civil War
Jeffrey White   What began in March 2011...
Flotilla Wanted
Flotilla Wanted
The Syrian situation continues to simmer along, although...
Is the violence in Syria finally ending?
Is the violence in Syria finally ending?
According to a breaking news report by Reuters,...
Syrian Dictator clutching at straws?
Syrian Dictator clutching at straws?
As a post on the blog Harry's Place notes, with Syrian President...
Assad’s survival plan explained
Over the weekend in Syria, the regime was...
Syrian situation continues to escalate
Syrian situation continues to escalate
Update from AIJAC August 10, 2011 Number 08/11...
UN 'Statement’ on Syria and Western Policy Options
UN ‘Statement’ on Syria and Western Policy Options
Following on from Daniel's blog post regarding the...
Do Syrians need our Assistance to Halt Ongoing Massacres?
Do Syrians need our Assistance to Halt Ongoing Massacres?
The Assad regime in Syria has been continuing...
A Senior Military Defection in Syria?
A Senior Military Defection in Syria?
Following up on Daniel's post on the escalating...
The IAEA: countering proliferation at its convenience
Four long years after Syria's alleged nuclear program came to...