The regime’s usual methods to disperse protest movements are not working, but the protesters are also still unable to truly threaten the regime’s survival (Image: Twitter)
A Turning Point?
Iran’s protests reach a critical juncture   Protests...
The first  documented image of an Iranian Shahed-136 (Geranium-2 in Russian) in Ukraine. Unlike most of its allies, Australia has yet to even condemn Iran for providing such weapons to Russia, much less impose sanctions (source: Twitter/@kms_d4k)
Australia’s inaction on Iran sends a dangerous message to China – 16 November 2022 In early July,...
“We have no reason to be enemies”: Israeli women in solidarity with the Iranian protest movement
Whilst it may not be surprising in today’s...
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi meets with Mohamed Eslami, Chief of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) in Vienna, Austria, September 2021 (credit: Dean Calma / IAEA)
Iranian Lies Matter
The streets of Iran have been simmering for...