PA President Mahmoud Abbas: Not even thinking about returning to the Gaza Strip (Image: X/ Twitter)
Does the PA even want to govern Gaza?
While some in Israel and the United States...
Pro-Palestinian rally in Milan, Italy, with signs promoting the lie that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza (source: Eugenio Marongiu/Shutterstock)
The Big Lie: “Genocide” in Gaza
The fundamentally unserious, grotesque and yet pervasive claim...
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Essay: An Abuse of History
Abbas and the Khazar claim   Chairman Mahmoud...
Mahmoud Abbas' invocation of antisemitic canards drew criticism in from the EU, but no policy change (Image: Shutterstock)
Europa Europa: Inconvenient truths 
Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas’ mask appears...
PA President Mahmoud appears to be doubling down on antisemtiic comments because he regards them as essential to the Palestinian “narrative”(Image: Shutterstock)
Scribblings: Why Mahmoud Abbas says horrible, antisemitic things
“Moderate” Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas was...
Mahmoud Abbas (left) and Ehud Olmert during one of their 36 meetings in 2007 and 2008 (Image: GPO/ Isranet)
Essay: The Third Rejection
Mahmoud Abbas and the Olmert peace offer  ...
China still doesn’t care about the Middle East
Ten years ago, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas...
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (Image: UN Photo)
Why ALP’s call to recognise Palestine is based on ignorance
The Australian – 21 June 2023  It appears...
Gareth Evans (source: Wikimedia Commons/Chatham House)
A Response to Gareth Evans’ “The case for recognising Palestine”
Gareth Evans’ “The case for recognising Palestine” (published...
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas gives his Nakba Day speech at the UN (Image: UN Photo/Screenshot)
The UN Must Not Repeat Its ‘Nakba Day’ Farce
Algemeiner – 30 May 2023   On May...
Palestinian demonstrators demand the resignation of PA President Mahmoud Abbas - the PA is increasingly viewed by many Palestinians as no longer representing their interests (Photo: Shutterstock, Anas-Mohammed)
Palestinian Authority in Crisis
Update 05/23 #3   This Update features two...
Mahmoud Abbas at the UN's Nakba Day event on May 15 (Image: Twitter)
Deconstruction Zone: Mahmoud Abbas embraces full-blown rejectionism
For years, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has...