A matter of definition: Why the IHRA working definition of antisemitism has become more important than ever
A new CNN survey has once again put antisemitism...
Some 800,000 Jews were forced to flee their Middle East homes, completely wiping out ancient communities
Biblio File: The Other Refugees
Uprooted: How 3000 Years of Jewish Civilization in...
Visiting AIJAC guest David Harris warns of Iranian threat
Visiting AIJAC guest David Harris warns of Iranian threat
Media Release The growing influence of Iran under...
Is an independent Kurdistan finally about to be born? And if so
Is an independent Kurdistan finally about to be born? And if so, what does it mean for Israel?
Shmuel Levin Despite being delayed several times before, Iraqi Kurdistan...
Letter from a Forgotten Jew
Letter from a Forgotten Jew
David Harris I am a forgotten Jew. My...
Essay: Inside the Gilded Cage
Essay: Inside the Gilded Cage
A visit with the Iranian Jewish community  ...
Scribblings: History of the Recognition Condition
Tzvi Fleischer I've written before about the fallacy...
The Last Word: A+ for AIPAC
The Last Word: A+ for AIPAC
Some years ago, I was invited to attend...

Baroness Margaret Thatcher

Baroness Margaret Thatcher, Israel and the Jewish people
Baroness Margaret Thatcher, Britain's Conservative Prime Minister from...
How to turn a feel-good story into a misleading anti-Israel rant
How to turn a feel-good story into a misleading anti-Israel rant
In a stunning example of cherry picking, Ruby...
The crisis of bad journalism: why Lateline guest is being ridiculed everywhere
The crisis of bad journalism: why Lateline guest is being ridiculed everywhere
Last night, ABC Lateline featured an interview by Emma Alberici of...
Daily Dose: Israel and Iran - will they or won't they? The cartoons Iran didn't ban
Daily Dose: Israel and Iran – will they or won’t they? The cartoons Iran didn’t ban, Al Qaeda feminism and more
Israel and Iran A German politician in Israel...