Europa Europa: Testing Times
Douglas Davis Why did a closed-door meeting of...
Europa Europa: European “Soft power”
Douglas Davis The European Union presents a virtually...
Europa Europa: Blowing Hot and Cold
Douglas Davis Israel’s 60th birthday produced a treasure...
Rome and Jerusalem
By Amotz Asa-El Challenged by a rising tide...
Europa Europa: Of Church, Mosque and State
Douglas Davis Public sentiment is a wonderfully elastic...
Europa Europa: Sarkozy’s “Club Med”
Douglas Davis Sarkozy’s “Club Med” When Nicolas Sarkozy...
Europa Europa: The French Connection
Douglas Davis The French ConnectionThe French have given...
Europa Europa: Ethnic Cleansers
Douglas Davis ETHNIC CLEANSERSIf politicians are unable to...
Europa Europa: Blaired Vision
  Douglas Davis   BLAIRED VISION The tectonic...
AIJAC welcomes Interpol vote to issue arrest warrants for Iranians suspected in 1994 AMIA bombing
Media Release Melbourne - The Australia/Israel & Jewish...
The Road to Annapolis/ Walt-Mearsheimer Again
Update from AIJAC October 10, 2007 Number 10/07...
Looking through Rosen-Coloured Glasses
By Aviva Bard   Rabbi Rosen (seated second...