
Tax dollars bring 9/11 "truther" and other extremists to ANU anti-Israel fest

Tax dollars bring 9/11 “truther” and other extremists to ANU anti-Israel fest

September 18, 2013 | Daniel Meyerowitz-Katz

Three Anniversaries – Oslo, the Yom Kippur War and 9/11

September 18, 2013 |

A chemical weapons "deal" on Syria?

A chemical weapons “deal” on Syria?

September 12, 2013 |

AIJAC letter to ANU

September 12, 2013 |

Letter: West Bank settlements are not ‘illegal’

September 11, 2013 | Ahron Shapiro

New revelations about Israel's help for victims of Syrian civil war

New revelations about Israel’s help for victims of Syrian civil war

September 11, 2013 | Ahron Shapiro

Duplicate stories

Duplicate stories, multiple personalities

September 9, 2013 | Ahron Shapiro

Statement: AIJAC congratulates Tony Abbott and the Coalition on election victory

Statement: AIJAC congratulates Tony Abbott and the Coalition on election victory, calls for bipartisan approach to Israel

September 9, 2013 |

Syria: Israeli Views and Analysis

Syria: Israeli Views and Analysis

September 4, 2013 |

A noted Arab journalist reveals the biases of al-Jazeera English

A noted Arab journalist reveals the biases of al-Jazeera English

September 3, 2013 | Or Avi Guy

New evidence of Iranian terror in Southeast Asia

New evidence of Iranian terror in Southeast Asia

August 30, 2013 | Sharyn Mittelman

Israel prepares for possible attack by Syria

Israel prepares for possible attack by Syria

August 30, 2013 | Sharyn Mittelman