
Israeli government launches major program to boost investment in Israeli Arab sectors

Israeli government launches major program to boost investment in Israeli Arab sectors

January 22, 2016 | Sharyn Mittelman

Prof. Efraim Inbar to speak in Sydney

Prof. Efraim Inbar to speak in Sydney, Melbourne & Perth

January 22, 2016 |

Palestinian Authority incitement continues to fuel murder - and even children are a target: not newsworthy?

Palestinian Authority incitement continues to fuel murder – and even children are a target: not newsworthy?

January 21, 2016 | Or Avi Guy

AIJAC seeking a Media/Public Affairs Officer

January 21, 2016 |

Iran nuclear deal comes into effect – amid troubling Iranian behaviour

January 20, 2016 |

What 1961 can teach us about 2016

What 1961 can teach us about 2016

January 19, 2016 | Ahron Shapiro

AIJAC Statement on Implementation of JCPOA with Iran

AIJAC Statement on Implementation of JCPOA with Iran

January 19, 2016 |

Israel's changing place in the mideast region

Israel’s changing place in the mideast region

January 15, 2016 |

Pot to Kettle: Iran’s hysterical and hypocritical condemnation of Saudi Arabia’s executions

Pot to Kettle: Iran’s hysterical and hypocritical condemnation of Saudi Arabia’s executions

January 14, 2016 | Or Avi Guy

Escalating Iran-Saudi Arabia tensions

Escalating Iran-Saudi Arabia tensions

January 14, 2016 |

The Iranian link in the North Korean nuclear test

The Iranian link in the North Korean nuclear test

January 13, 2016 | Sharyn Mittelman

Hamas and ISIS in Sinai

Hamas and ISIS in Sinai

December 18, 2015 |