Netanyahu presents additional evidence of Iranian nuclear weapons development

Behind the News – October 2019

October 3, 2019 | AIJAC staff

Abbas: Elected in 2005 for a four-year term

Deconstruction Zone: The elections and the peace process

October 2, 2019 | Jonathan S. Tobin

The vulnerability of Saudi Arabia’s oil industry is an ongoing risk to the world economy

Standing up to oil market terrorism

October 2, 2019 | Mark Dubowitz and Brenda Shaffer

Does multi-religious Australia need to rethink its approach to religious freedom?

The Last Word: From Rites to Rights

September 27, 2019 | Jeremy Jones

Abbas: Speech strongly implied that Jewish presence on “our land” will “all go to the garbage bin of history”

Scribblings: Abbas and the “ethnic cleansing solution”

September 27, 2019 | Tzvi Fleischer

The Abqaiq refinery complex aflame following the Sept. 14 surprise attack

Oil Shock

September 26, 2019 | Michael Knights

The prime ministerial rotation deal between Shamir and Peres in the 1980s was uncomfortable, but surprisingly effective

Bound for Unity?

September 26, 2019 | Ahron Shapiro

Netanyahu appears out of options

Bibi’s very bad day

September 25, 2019 | Amotz Asa-El

Israeli voters have left neither Gantz nor Netanyahu with a clear path to forming government

The options for a ruling coalition

September 25, 2019 | Michael Bachner

Editorial: Democracy in Israel, Diplomacy in Washington

September 25, 2019 | Colin Rubenstein

Red Sea Diving Resort: An entertaining story, yet not as thrilling as the real events upon which it is based

Cine File: Shallow Dive

September 6, 2019 | Sharyn Mittelman

Incumbent PM Netanyahu: Hoping Likud and its “natural allies” get 61 seats, but may still be able to govern if they do not

Netanyahu’s Quest for 61

September 6, 2019 | Shmuel Rosner