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World of Webinars

November 3, 2020 | Jamie Hyams

The UAE’s new Barakah nuclear power plant, the first to come online in the Arab world

Proliferation Revelations in the Middle East

November 2, 2020 | Ran Porat


AIR New Zealand: Labour’s Landslide 

November 2, 2020 | Miriam Bell

The suicide bombing of the Our Lady of Mount Carmel church in Jolo, Philippines, in January 2019 showed ISIS's reach into Asia

Asia Watch: ISIS sneaking back

November 2, 2020 | Michael Shannon

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Deconstruction Zone: Why Israelis prefer Trump

October 30, 2020 | Shmuel Rosner

Facebook Holocaust Denial Group3 Seen 4th Jan 2011

Facebook heeds Holocaust message

October 30, 2020 | Naomi Levin

Israeli National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat in Manama, Bahrain

Behind the News – November 2020

October 30, 2020 | AIJAC staff

Can Iran now legally buy and sell missiles and other advanced arms? The US and most of the rest of the world disagree on this.

Has the Iranian arms embargo expired?

October 29, 2020 | Jackson Richman

Claims of Jewish culpability in the Black Death find echoes in modern accusations against Israel

The Last Word: Ex Cathedra

October 29, 2020 | Jeremy Jones

Claims about West Bank settlement growth are often either demonstably wrong or very incomplete

Scribblings: The ‘Settlements Killed Two States’ Lie

October 29, 2020 | Tzvi Fleischer

Damage to the Natanz Nuclear Research Centre after the July 2, 2020 explosion

Iran’s “breakout” potential and the US election

October 28, 2020 | Yossi Kuperwasser

Op 20 09 20 Trump And Biden

From Washington to Teheran

October 28, 2020 | Lahav Harkov