Noted and Quoted – October 2016

September 30, 2016 |

A blow to Palestinian unity hopes - and to Abbas

A blow to Palestinian unity hopes – and to Abbas

September 29, 2016 | Ben Lynfield

Asia Watch: Causes and Effects

September 28, 2016 | Michael Shannon

Europa Europa: Europe's Most Notorious Jew-Baiter?

Europa Europa: Europe’s Most Notorious Jew-Baiter?

September 28, 2016 | Ben Cohen

The Money and the Message

The Money and the Message

September 27, 2016 | David Makovsky

Deconstruction Zone: Did the “colonial powers” create Israel?

September 27, 2016 | Jonathan Adelman & Asaf Romirowsky

Essay: Inside the Gilded Cage

Essay: Inside the Gilded Cage

September 27, 2016 | Annika Hernroth-Rothstein

The Decline of Wilayat Sinai

The Decline of Wilayat Sinai

September 27, 2016 | Yoram Schweitzer

Scribblings: Article 49(6) and the Settlements

Scribblings: Article 49(6) and the Settlements

September 26, 2016 | Tzvi Fleischer

Editorial: A Meeting of Minds

Editorial: A Meeting of Minds

September 23, 2016 | Colin Rubenstein

After ISIS - a New ISIS

After ISIS – a New ISIS

September 23, 2016 | Jacob Olidort

The Retreat of ISIS

The Retreat of ISIS

September 23, 2016 | Col. Jacques Neriah