Australia/Israel Review

Auckland mosque official Ahmed Bhamji: Invoking the Israel bogeyman

AIR New Zealand: Unity jarred by antisemitism

April 29, 2019 | Miriam Bell

Tech investment summit in Haifa: Chinese investment still pouring in

Asia Watch: The other side of the coin

April 29, 2019 | Michael Shannon

Senator Mehreen Faruqi (left) addressing a pro-Palestinian solidarity rally in Sydney

Greens problems with Israel and Jews worsen

April 29, 2019 | Naomi Levin

At last: The burial of long-missing IDF soldier Zacharia Baumel

Behind the News – May 2019

April 29, 2019 | AIJAC staff

The Golan Heights: Strategically vital because it overlooks all of northern Israel

Essay: The Golan Heights and international law

April 24, 2019 | Shany Mor

Senator Pauline Hanson: Moved from targeting Asians to Muslims

The Far-right in Election 2019

April 24, 2019 | Sharyn Mittelman


Toe to Toe

April 23, 2019 | AIJAC staff

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Editorial: Celebrating two democratic elections

April 23, 2019 | Colin Rubenstein

Lower turnout: Israeli Arabs at the ballot box

Scribblings: Polls suggest poll setback for Israeli Arabs shortlived

April 18, 2019 | Tzvi Fleischer

US President Trump declares US recognition of Israeli sovereignty on the Golan

Deconstruction Zone: Children of the Israeli Golan

April 18, 2019 | Mendi Safadi

Trump and Netanyahu with Jared Kushner, the architect of Trump’s peace plan

Dealing with Trump’s “deal”

April 17, 2019 | Yossi Kuperwasser

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Bibi does it again

April 17, 2019 | Amotz Asa-El