Tzvi Fleischer

A PA-TV dance video that glorifies suicide bombing

Scribblings: PA promotes suicide bombing Israeli cities

June 1, 2020 | Tzvi Fleischer

Dr. Abed Zahalka bringing a Torah scroll into the coronavirus unit at Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Centre in Bnei Brak

Scribblings: Arab Israelis say “I feel like a real Israeli”

May 1, 2020 | Tzvi Fleischer

Abdul Azim Salhab

Scribblings: Incitement amidst Cooperation

April 1, 2020 | Tzvi Fleischer

Bill Doares of the Marxist Workers World Party: Israel a linchpin of imperialism and worldwide oppression

Scribblings: The epitome of left-wing anti-Zionism

February 27, 2020 | Tzvi Fleischer

"Caution: Zionism!": A seminal and widespread Soviet propaganda work

Scribblings: How the Soviets promoted openly antisemitic anti-Zionism 

February 5, 2020 | Tzvi Fleischer

Hamas' support for Jeremy Corbyn is nothing new

Scribblings: Hamas interferes for Corbyn

December 19, 2019 | Tzvi Fleischer

Iran’s Jews are so “safe” most have left the country

Scribblings: Iran Loves Jews!

November 28, 2019 | Tzvi Fleischer

Positive signs: Arab Israelis exercise their democratic right

Scribblings: A convoy of hope

November 6, 2019 | Tzvi Fleischer

Abbas: Speech strongly implied that Jewish presence on “our land” will “all go to the garbage bin of history”

Scribblings: Abbas and the “ethnic cleansing solution”

September 27, 2019 | Tzvi Fleischer

UNWRA: Facing allegations of corruption, sexual misconduct, nepotism, waste and poor management

Scribblings: The real waste and destructiveness of UNRWA

August 29, 2019 | Tzvi Fleischer

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UN claims on Palestinian women invert the truth

August 8, 2019 | Tzvi Fleischer

Hamas’ Fathi Hammad: Genocidal rhetoric

Scribblings: Hamas’ genocide call and Fatah extremism

August 2, 2019 | Tzvi Fleischer