Seth Mandel

The "Forever War" was declared by Hamas long before October 7 (Image: Shutterstock)

Deconstruction Zone: Israel and the “Forever War”

May 31, 2024 | Seth Mandel

Israeli PM Netanyahu with Gilad Shalit following the lop-sided 2011 prisoner swap deal that led to his freedom (Image: Isranet)

Essay: Redeeming the hostages

April 26, 2024 | Seth Mandel

Israeli soccer player Sagiv Jehezkel: Fired, arrested and deported for calling attention to the Israeli hostages in Gaza (Image: X/ Twitter)

The Last Word: “Footballing while Jewish” and other crimes

January 25, 2024 | Seth Mandel

Biblio File: Of Myths and Massacres

March 2, 2022 | Seth Mandel

Biblio File: Rabin's Revenge

Biblio File: Rabin’s Revenge

February 9, 2016 | Seth Mandel